Ακολουθεί μια λίστα με μερικές από τις σειρές κόμικ στις οποίες έχει δουλέψει ο Vince Bagli:
* Spider-Man
* Ο απόλυτος Spider-Man
* Χαλκ
* Captain America
* Οι Εκδικητές
* Τολμηρός
* Star Wars:Legacy
* Οι άλλοι νεκροί
* The New Mutants
* X-Factor
* X-Men
* Γούλβεριν
* Fantastic Four
* Iron Man
* Θορ
* Ο Τιμωρός
* Deadpool
* Κεραυνοί
* Ανώτατη Μοίρα
* New Warriors
* Ήρωες προς ενοικίαση
* Οι Αμυντικοί
* Οι Νέοι Εκδικητές
* The Mighty Avengers
* Secret Avengers
* Uncanny Avengers
* Age of Apocalypse
* Σπίτι του Μ
* Εμφύλιος πόλεμος
* Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος Hulk
* Μυστική εισβολή
* Dark Reign
* Πολιορκία
* Marvel ΤΩΡΑ!
* Ολοκαίνουργιο, Διαφορετικό Marvel
* Marvel Legacy
* Marvel Fresh Start
* Marvel's Spider-Man:City at War
* Captain America:Steve Rogers
* Ο ανάξιος Θορ
* The Totally Awesome Hulk
* Old Man Logan
* Extraordinary X-Men
* Απάνθρωποι εναντίον X-Men
* Γενιές
* The Uncanny Inhumans
* The Defenders:The Best Defense
* The Punisher:The Platoon
* Deadpool:The Assassin
* Thunderbolts:The Caged Heat
* Squadron Supreme:The End
* New Warriors:The Children's Crusade
* Heroes for Hire:The State of Fear
* The Defenders:The Last Days of the Defenders
* The New Avengers:The Reunion
* The Mighty Avengers:The Unspoken
* Secret Avengers:The Serpent Society
* Uncanny Avengers:The Apocalypse Wars
* Age of Apocalypse:The Age of X-Man
* House of M:The Day After
* Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος:Η Εξομολόγηση
* World War Hulk:The Gamma Files
* Secret Invasion:The Skrull Kill Krew
* Dark Reign:The Cabal
* Πολιορκία:The Cabal
* Marvel NOW!:The Avengers
* Ολοκαίνουργιο, Διαφορετικό Marvel:The Mighty Thor
* Marvel Legacy:The Champions
* Marvel Fresh Start:The Amazing Spider-Man
* Marvel's Spider-Man:City at War:The Spider-Verse
* Captain America:Steve Rogers:The Truth
* The Unworthy Thor:The War of the Realms
* The Totally Awesome Hulk:The Maestro
* Old Man Logan:The Wastelanders
* Extraordinary X-Men:The Apocalypse Solution
* Inhumans vs. X-Men:The Last Inhuman Story
* Generations:The Legacy of Marvel
* The Uncanny Inhumans:The X-Men and the Inhumans
* The Defenders:The Best Defense:The Defenders and the Serpent Society
* The Punisher:The Platoon:The Punisher and the Hand
* Deadpool:The Assassin:The Deadpool and the Brotherhood of Mutants
* Thunderbolts:The Caged Heat:The Thunderbolts and the Wrecking Crew
* Squadron Supreme:The End:The Squadron Supreme and the Multiverse
* New Warriors:The Children's Crusade:The New Warriors and the Runaways
* Heroes for Hire:The State of Fear:The Heroes for Hire and the Zodiac
* The Defenders:The Last Days of the Defenders:The Defenders and the Secret Defenders
* The New Avengers:The Reunion:The New Avengers and the Dark Avengers
* The Mighty Avengers:The Unspoken:The Mighty Avengers and the Cabal
* Secret Avengers:The Serpent Society:The Secret Avengers and the Serpent Society
* Uncanny Avengers:The Apocalypse Wars:The Uncanny Avengers and the Apocalypse Twins
* Age of Apocalypse:The Age of X-Man:The Age of Apocalypse and the Age of X-Man
* House of M:The Day After:The House of M and the M-Day