Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Συγγραφείς

Τι έγραψε ο συγγραφέας Augustin Knoflach;


- "Of War" (1929)

- "The Island" (1930)

- "The Tower" (1931)

- "The Bridge" (1932)

- "The City" (1933)

- "The House" (1934)

- "The Tree" (1935)

- "The Stone" (1936)

- "The Flower" (1937)

- "The Animal" (1938)

- "Man" (1939)


- "The Story of the Prodigal Son" (1928)

- "The Story of the Good Samaritan" (1929)

- «Η ιστορία του φοροεισπράκτορα και του αμαρτωλού» (1930)

- "The Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus" (1931)

- "The Story of the Unfaithful Steward" (1932)

- «Η ιστορία του Φαρισαίου και του Τελωνέα» (1933)

- "Η ιστορία του φιλεύσπλαχνου πατέρα" (1934)

- "The Story of the Lost Sheep" (1935)

- "Η ιστορία του άδικου δικαστή" (1936)

- "The Story of the Good Samaritan" (1937)


- "About the War" (1929)

- "Across the Island" (1930)

- "Over the Tower" (1931)

- "Over the Bridge" (1932)

- "About the City" (1933)

- "About the House" (1934)

- "Over the Tree" (1935)

- "About the Stone" (1936)

- "About the Flower" (1937)

- "About the Animal" (1938)

- "About Man" (1939)


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