- _Soul Searching:A Sister's Journey to the Mountain of Self-Esteem_ (2015)
- _From The Mountaintop of Faith_ (2020)
Δοκίμια και άρθρα
- "The Beauty of My Scar" (2018)
- "The Power of a Sister" (2018)
- "The Gift of Forgiveness" (2019)
- "The Journey to Self-Esteem" (2020)
- "The Mountaintop of Faith" (2020)
Ομιλίες και Παρουσιάσεις
- "The Beauty of My Scar" (2018)
- "The Power of a Sister" (2018)
- "The Gift of Forgiveness" (2019)
- "The Journey to Self-Esteem" (2020)
- "The Mountaintop of Faith" (2020)
Διαδικτυακά σεμινάρια και εργαστήρια
- "The Beauty of My Scar" (2018)
- "The Power of a Sister" (2018)
- "The Gift of Forgiveness" (2019)
- "The Journey to Self-Esteem" (2020)
- "The Mountaintop of Faith" (2020)