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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Richard Urban;


- *Green Capital:The Economics of Jamaica 1660-1807* (1990)

- *Sugar in the Making:The Atlantic Arch and Caribbean 1492-1792* (1993)

- *The Jamaican Sugar Industry in the Late XVIII Century:The Legacy of Slavery and Scarcity* (1994)

- *Capital and Capitalists:The Economy of Early Modern England* (1999)

- *Banking in Jamaica:Origins and Early History, 1670-1845* (2006)

- *Caribbean Capitalism:An Overview* (2008)

- *Χρέος και Διπλωματία:Οφειλέτες και Πιστωτές στον Πρώιμο Σύγχρονο Ατλαντικό Κόσμο* (2012)

- *Debt and Bondage in the Caribbean:Comparative Perspectives* (2018)

- *Bretain and the Caribbean 1625-1800:Trade, Capital and Race* (2020)

Επεξεργασμένες συλλογές:

- *The Caribbean in a Globalizing World, 1492-1992* (1993)

- *Financing Empire:The Politics and Economics of the British Caribbean, 1750-1850* (1995)

- *British Capitalism and Caribbean Labour, 1750-1850* (1998)

- *Commerce and Culture:The Atlantic in the Eighteenth Century* (2004)

- *Χρέη και οικονομική αλλαγή στον κόσμο του Ατλαντικού, 1600-1800* (2010)

- *Jamaica in Slaving Times* (2013)

- *The Political Economy of Slavery:International Evidence* (2015)

- *Bretain and the Atlantic:The Global Consequences of Empire* (2019)


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