* "The Lord of Sipán" (2006)
* "The Stone of the Sun" (2008)
* "The Last Inca" (2010)
* "The Queen of the Pacific" (2012)
* "El Dorado" (2014)
* "The Feathered Serpent" (2016)
* "The City of the Gods" (2018)
* "The Gift of the Gods" (2002)
* "The Legend of the Golden Inca" (2004)
* "The Pirates' Treasure" (2006)
* "The Inca Woman" (2008)
* "The History of Peru" (2009)
* "Inca Culture" (2011)
* "The Conquest of Peru" (2013)
* "The Viceroyalty of Peru" (2015)
* "The Independence of Peru" (2017)
Παιδικά βιβλία:
* "The Three Little Pigs" (2010)
* "Little Riding Hood" (2012)
* "Puss in Boots" (2014)
* "Ωραία Κοιμωμένη" (2016)
* "Χιονάτη" (2018)