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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας James Dewe Lambert;


* _Reason in American Political Thought_ (2005)

* _Φιλόσοφοι και Δημόσιος Βίος_ (2007)

* _Το Σύνταγμα και το Μέλλον της Αμερικής_ (2008)

* _The Cambridge Companion to American Education_ (2009)

* _Dewey on Ethics_ (2010)

* _Ηθική και Εκπαίδευση:Ένα Δημοκρατικό Ιδεώδες_ (2011)

* _American Public Philosophy:The Prophetic Tradition_ (2013)

* _The Case for Pragmatism:James’ Philosophy for Our Times_ (2014)

* _The Great American Debate:Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine on the French Revolution_ (2015)

* _American Philosophy in the World_ (2016)

Άρθρα και κεφάλαια σε βιβλία:

* "The Moral Psychology of Civility:A Pragmatic Approach" (1995)

* "Dewey and Civic Education:A Progressive Tradition" (1997)

* "The Importance of Liberal Education in a Democracy" (1998)

* "Public Philosophy and American Liberalism" (1999)

* "James on Democracy:A Pluralistic Vision" (2000)

* "Dewey on Democracy:Pluralism and Social Progress" (2001)

* "Pragmatism and the Idea of ​​Progress" (2002)

* "John Dewey:A Prophet for Our Times" (2003)

* "The Pragmatic Tradition in American Education" (2004)

* "Dewey and Deweyans on Liberal Education" (2006)

* "Liberal Education and the Promise of American Democracy" (2007)

* "Dewey and the Future of American Pragmatism" (2008)

* "The Relevance of Dewey's Philosophy to Education Today" (2009)

* "Pragmatism and the Meaning of Life" (2010)

* "Dewey on Experience:A Radical Democratic Perspective" (2011)

* "Dewey and the Social Gospel:A Prophetic Tradition" (2012)

* "Pragmatism and the Public Sphere" (2013)

* "Dewey on Democracy and Education:A Progressive Vision" (2014)

* "Dewey and the Future of American Philosophy" (2015)

* "The Pragmatic Tradition in American Political Thought" (2016)


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