- The Journey to Calabria (1983)
- The Café of the Exiles (1985)
- The Wizard of Aschaffenburg (1987)
- The Venus de Milo (1989)
- The Little Figure of the Prince (1991)
- The Dead of Ascona (1993)
- Η ερωμένη του κόσμου (1995)
- The House by the Lake (1997)
- The Mozart Files (1999)
- The Library of the Dead Poets (2001)
- The Secret History of the Marquis de Sade (2003)
- The Discovery of Coincidence (2005)
- The Power of Dreams (2007)
- Έρωτας σε περιόδους πολέμου (2009)
- The Art of Forgetting (2011)
- The Colors of the Sea (2013)
- The Light of Hope (2015)
- The Music of the Stars (2017)
- The Language of Flowers (2019)
- The Secret of Time (2021)
- The Death of Michelangelo (1981)
- The Smile of the Mona Lisa (1982)
- The Clown's Tears (1984)
- The Love of the Torero (1986)
- The Beggar's Happiness (1988)
- The Journey to Weimar (1992)
- Η τέχνη του μυθιστορήματος (1994)
- The Power of Literature (1996)
- Η ποίηση της ζωής (1998)
- The Wisdom of Ages (2000)
- The Importance of Culture (2002)
- The Power of Love (2004)
- The Beauty of Nature (2006)
- The Secret of Happiness (2008)
- The Power of Hope (2010)
- The Magic of Childhood (2012)
- Η περιπέτεια της ζωής (2014)
- The Journey to Knowledge (2016)
- The Search for Meaning (2018)
- The Art of Dying (2020)
- The Trial (1990)
- The Misanthrope (1992)
- The Threepenny Opera (1994)
- Faust (1996)
- Nathan the Wise (1998)
- Άμλετ (2000)
- Macbeth (2002)
- King Lear (2004)
- Othello (2006)
- Romeo and Juliet (2008)
- Όνειρο καλοκαιρινής νύχτας (2010)
- The Storm (2012)
- The Winter's Tale (2014)
- The Merry Wives of Windsor (2016)
- Όπως σας αρέσει (2018)
- Πολλή φασαρία για το τίποτα (2020)
- Ποιήματα (1980)
- Σονέτα (1982)
- Odes (1984)
- Ελεγεία (1986)
- Hymns (1988)
- Μπαλάντες (1990)
- Romances (1992)
- Τραγούδια (1994)
- Παροιμίες (1996)
- Αφορισμοί (1998)
- Επιγράμματα (2000)
- Haikus (2002)
- Tanka (2004)
- Renga (2006)
- Waka (2008)
- Uta (2010)
-Haibun (2012)
- Tanbun (2014)
- Renbun (2016)
- Wakabun (2018)
- Utabun (2020)