- "The Spirit Level" (1999)
- "How the Mighty Fall:And Why Some Companies Never Give In" (2002)
- "The Arrogance of Power:The Secret World of Us and Them" (2006)
- "Broke, ΗΠΑ:Από τα ενεχυροδανειστήρια στη φτώχεια, Inc.-How Working Families Becase Debt Slaves" (2008)
- "This Divine World:Seven Hidden Places Where Your Soul Can Thrive" (2011)
- "The Next Civil War:Dispatches From the American Future" (2018)
- "Tales from the Edge:America After the Boom" (2019)
Άρθρα και Έγγραφα:
- "The Arogant Face of Power" (2005)
- "Power and the Powerless:The Story of the People of Parchman Farm" (2006)
- "The American Dream is on Sale:The Case for a National Economic Bill of Rights" (2008)
- "Ποιος θα μεγαλώσει τα παιδιά μας;" (2010)
- "The Real Story of America's Decline" (2011)
- "This Divine World:An Interview with Charles Paul May" (2012)
- "The Next Civil War:A Preview of the Coming Conflict" (2018)