- The Vital Balance:The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness (1963)
- The Human Mind (1964)
- Man Against Himself (1970)
- Ό,τι έγινε από την αμαρτία; (1973)
- Toward a Unitary View of the Mind (1975)
- The Crime of Punishment (1978)
- Psychological Aspects of the Nuclear Age (1981)
- Power and Injustice:The Psychoanalysis of Terrorism (1983)
- Το Vice Is Nice and Other Lies:The Serious Side of Life (1986)
- "The Vital Balance:A Concept of Mental Health" (1963)
- "The Human Mind:An Evolving System" (1964)
- "Man Against Hemself:The Tragedy of Neurosis" (1970)
- "Whatever Became of Sin;:The Decline of Moral Responsibility in Modern Society" (1973)
- "Toward a Unitary View of the Mind:A Bridge Between Psychiatry and Psychology" (1975)
- "The Crime of Punishment:A Psychiatric View" (1978)
- "Psychological Aspects of the Nuclear Age:A Threat to Our Mental Health" (1981)
- "Power and Injustice:The Psychoanalysis of Terrorism" (1983)
- "Το Vice Is Nice and Other Lies:The Serious Side of Life" (1986)