* The Immortals (1953)
* Night Cry (1955)
* The Red River Trail (1960)
* The Trail to Crazy Woman (1962)
* Gunmen's Range (1963)
* Trail of Conflict (1964)
* The Trail to Taos (1965)
* The Trail of the Iroquois (1966)
* The Mountain Men (1967)
* The Trail to Yuma (1968)
* The Trail of Tears (1969)
* The Trail of the Black Hawk (1970)
* The Trail of the Sioux (1971)
* The Trail of the Cherokees (1972)
* The Trail of the Apaches (1973)
* The Trail of the Nez Perce (1974)
* The Trail of the Seminoles (1975)
* The Trail of the Comanches (1976)
* The Trail of the Modocs (1977)
* The Trail of the Crows (1978)
* The Trail of the Cheyennes (1979)
* The Trail of the Arapahos (1980)
* The Trail of the Kiowas (1981)
* The Trail of the Pawnees (1982)
* The Trail of the Utes (1983)
* The Trail of the Shoshones (1984)
* The Trail of the Bannocks (1985)
* The Trail of the Paiutes (1986)
* The Trail of the Washoes (1987)
* The Trail of the Modocs (1988)
* The Trail of the Pitt Rivers (1989)
* The Trail of the Wiyots (1990)
* The Trail of the Yuroks (1991)
* The Trail of the Karuks (1992)
* The Trail of the Hupa (1993)
* The Trail of the Chilula (1994)
* The Trail of the Wintun (1995)
* The Trail of the Pomo (1996)
* The Trail of the Miwok (1997)
* The Trail of the Yokuts (1998)
* The Trail of the Mono (1999)
* The Trail of the Pai Pai (2000)
* The Trail of the Diegueno (2001)
* The Trail of the Luiseño (2002)
* The Trail of the Cahuilla (2003)
* The Trail of the Serrano (2004)
* The Trail of the Gabrielino (2005)
* The Trail of the Tongva (2006)
* The Trail of the Chumash (2007)
* The Trail of the Obispeño (2008)
* The Trail of the Salinan (2009)
* The Trail of the Chumash (2010)
Μη μυθοπλασία
* The Secret Life of Adolph Hitler (1953)
* The Case for Rebirth (1958)
* The Coming Battle of Armageddon (1960)
* ΑΤΙΑ:Τι είναι και από πού προέρχονται (1969)
* The Aquarian Age Conspiracy (1971)
* Edgar Cayce:The Sleeping Prophet (1972)
* The Psychic World of Nostradamus (1973)
* The Amazing World of ESP (1975)
* The Atlantis Myth:New Light on an Old Legend (1977)
* The Mysterious World of the Loch Ness Monster (1979)
* The Bigfoot Phenomenon:An Investigation of the Evidence (1980)
* The Bermuda Triangle Mystery:Solved (1982)
* The Philadelphia Experiment:Project Rainbow (1984)
* The Roswell Incident:The Truth Behind the UFO Crash (1987)
* The Montauk Project:Experiments in Time (1991)
* The Dulce Base:The Truth Behind the Secret Base UFO (1992)
* The Area 51 Files:The Real Story Behind the Government's Secret Program UFO (1994)
* The MJ-12 Files:The Secret Government UFO Group (1997)
* The̳ ̳Nazi̳ ̳Flying̳ ̳Saucers̳:̳ ̳The̳ ̳Evidence̳ ̳Revealed̳ (1999)
* The̳ ̳Majestic̳ ̳12̳ ̳Documents̳:̳ ̳The̳ ̳Smoking̳ ̳Gun̳ ̳of̳ ̳UFO̳ ̳Cover-up̳ (2001)
* The̳ ̳Alien̳ ̳Agenda̳:̳ ̳The̳ ̳Secret̳ ̳Plan̳ ̳to̳ ̳Invade̳ ̳Earth̳ (2003)
* The̳ ̳Atlantis̳ ̳Connection̳:̳ ̳The̳ ̳Origins̳ ̳of̳ ̳Human̳ ̳Civilization̳ (2005)
* The». ̳Order̳ (2007)
* The».
* The̳ ̳2012̳ ̳Doomsday̳ ̳Prophecies̳:̳ ̳The̳ ̳Truth̳ ̳Behind̳ ̳the̳ ̳Myth̳ (2011)
* The». ̳Ιστορία̳ (2013)
* The».
* The̳ ̳Ancient̳ ̳Aliens̳ ̳Question̳:̳ ̳Has̳ ̳Extraterrestrial̳ ̳Life̳ ̳Visited̳ ̳Earth?̳ (2017)
* The̳ ̳Time̳ ̳Travel̳ ̳Conundrum̳:̳ ̳Is̳ ̳Time̳ ̳Travel̳ ̳Possible?̳ (2019)
* The̳ ̳Multiverse̳ ̳Mystery̳:̳ ̳Are̳ ̳There̳ ̳Other̳ ̳Universes?̳ (2021)