Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Mordecai Joseph Brill Ezekiel;

* _Οικονομικές πολιτικές και μισθοί_ (1938)

* _The Current Economic Position of Agriculture:A Statement of the Situation with Special Reference to International Aspects_ (1929)

* _Stabilizing the Dollar:A Program of Monetary Reform and Stability_ (1931)

* _Jobs for All Through Public Service:A Plan of Action for the Reduction of Unemployment_ (1932)

* _Farm Income and City Income_ (1932)

* _Studies in Farm-Labor Income:California, 1929–1932_ (1933)

* _Βιομηχανική παραγωγή σε καιρό πολέμου_ (1934)

* _Jobs, Machines, and Capitalism_ (1934)

* _Monopoly:A Sickness of Capitalism_ (1938)

* _Jobs for the Millions_ (1940)

* _The Third World_ (1942)

* _Our Two Countries:The Story of the United Nations_ (1947)

* _World Order:A Study of the American International Movement_ (1947)

* _60 εκατομμύρια θέσεις εργασίας_ (1950)

* _The Farm Act of 1956_ (1956)

* _The Pattern of Investment_ (1960)

* _The Battle of Trafalgar:A Study in Naval History_ (1961)


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