- Γεννήθηκα Γερμανός (2001)
- Σε όλη τη φιλία (2002)
- From the Dream (2003)
- The Legacy (2005)
- Η απόφαση (2007)
- The Hope (2009)
- Ο χρόνος επουλώνει όλες τις πληγές (2012)
- Προειδοποίηση καταιγίδας (2014)
- Κάτω από διαφορετικές συνθήκες (2016)
- The Second Chance (2018)
- Lost Happiness (2020)
Παιδικά βιβλία
- Little Santa Claus (2004)
- The Easter Bunny and the Color Fairy (2006)
- The Little Witch and the Christmas Magic (2008)
- The Little Dragon and the Secret of Fire (2010)
- The Little Unicorn and the Land of Dreams (2012)
- The Little Giant and the Journey into the Clouds (2014)
- The Little Mermaid and the Ocean Adventure (2016)
- The Little Lion and the Search for Courage (2018)
- The Little Elephant and the Journey to Africa (2020)
- The Christmas Story (2004)
- The Easter Story (2006)
- Η ιστορία της Πεντηκοστής (2008)
- The Ascension Story (2010)
- The Thanksgiving Story (2012)
- The Martin Story (2014)
- The Santa Claus Story (2016)
- The New Year's Eve Story (2018)
- The New Year's Story (2020)
- The Christmas Play (2004)
- The Easter Game (2006)
- The Pentecost Play (2008)
- The Ascension Game (2010)
- The Thanksgiving Game (2012)
- The Martinsi Game (2014)
- The Santa Claus Game (2016)
- The New Year's Eve Game (2018)
- The New Year Game (2020)