* "Prayers for Little Children" (1934)
* «The Church School Hymnal» (1935)
* "Ποιήματα για παιδιά" (1936)
* «Μικρές προσευχές για τα παιδιά» (1937)
* "The Lord's Prayer:Stories and Pictures for Children" (1938)
* "Prayers and Graces for Children" (1939)
* «Δέκα προσευχές για τα παιδιά» (1940)
* "My Little Prayer Book" (1941)
* "The Children's Book of Prayer" (1942)
* "The Child's Book of Hymns" (1943)
* "The Children's Book of Psalms" (1944)
* "The Children's Book of Proverbs" (1945)
* «Το Παιδικό Βιβλίο των Μακαρισμών» (1946)
* "The Children's Book of the Commandments" (1947)
* "The Children's Book of the Lord's Prayer" (1948)
* "The Children's Book of Faith" (1949)
* "The Children's Book of Hope" (1950)
* "The Children's Book of Love" (1951)
* "The Children's Book of Peace" (1952)
* "The Children's Book of Joy" (1953)
* "The Children's Book of Thanksgiving" (1954)
* "The Children's Book of Christmas" (1955)
* «Το Παιδικό Βιβλίο του Πάσχα» (1956)
* «Το Παιδικό Βιβλίο της Πεντηκοστής» (1957)
* «Το Παιδικό Βιβλίο της Αγίας Τριάδας» (1958)
* "The Children's Book of the Kingdom of God" (1959)
* "The Children's Book of the Bible" (1960)
* "The Children's Book of Church History" (1961)
* "The Children's Book of Missions" (1962)
* "The Children's Book of the Sacraments" (1963)
* "The Children's Book of Christian Living" (1964)
Εκτός από αυτά τα βιβλία, η Shena Dorothy Potter Simon έγραψε επίσης πολλά άρθρα, διηγήματα και ποιήματα για παιδικά περιοδικά και ανθολογίες.