- _ Advertising:Its Principles, Practice, and Technique_ (1914)
- _Principles of Advertising_ (1923)
- _An Analysis of 2.000.000 Inquiries from Magazine Advertisements_ (1919)
- _Starch's Salesmanship Manual_ (1918)
- _Measuring Advertising Results_ (1919)
- _How to Develop Your Personality_ (1924)
- _The Psychology of Advertising_ (1925)
- _An Analytical Study of Reading Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines_ (1925)
- _Αρχές Διαφήμισης και Εφαρμογή τους_ (1927)
- _The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance_ (1929)
- "The Elements of Successful Salesmanship" (1916)
- "The Influence of Advertising on Sales" (1916)
- "How to Measure the Results of Advertising" (1916)
- "The Psychology of Advertising" (1916)
- "The Psychology of Salesmanship" (1917)
- "The Psychological Approach to Advertising" (1918)
- "The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance" (1921)
- "The Psychological Principles of Advertising" (1921)
- "The Psychology of Selling" (1922)
- "Μέτρηση των αποτελεσμάτων της διαφήμισης σε εφημερίδες και περιοδικά" (1923)
- Ο Starch ήταν ο ιδρυτής και εκδότης του _Journal of Applied Psychology_ (1917-1922).
- Διετέλεσε επίσης πρόεδρος της Αμερικανικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας (1919-1920).