- "The Key in a Box" (2023)
- "The Lion Hunter's Daughter" (2022)
- "The Lawful Man" (2021)
- "The Hidden Girl and Other Stories" (2020)
- "Bloomsbury Girls" (2019)
- "Daughters of Albion" (2018)
- "Unveiling Venus" (2018)
- "I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President" (2017)
- "As The Dead Sleep" (2016)
- "Mr. Justice" (2015)
- "I Am Yours" (2014)
- "Silent Voices" (2013)
- "What Doesn't Kill You" (2012)
- "Invisible" (2011)
- "I am Susannah" (2010)
- "The Perfect Crime" (2020)
- "The Murder Next Door" (2019)
- "Ο άνθρωπος που εξαφανίστηκε" (2018)
- "The Woman in White" (2017)
- "The Body in the Library" (2016)
- "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (2015)
- "The Sign of the Four" (2014)
- "A Study in Scarlet" (2013)
- "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" (2012)
- "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" (2011)
- "The Adventure of the Norwood Builder" (2010)
- "The Adventure of the Dancing Men" (2009)
- "The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" (2008)
- "Γιατί γράφω για το έγκλημα" (2020)
- "The Importance of Reading" (2019)
- "The Power of Storytelling" (2018)
- "The Writer's Journey" (2017)
- "The Art of Suspense" (2016)
- "The Psychology of Crime" (2015)
- "The History of Crime Fiction" (2014)
- "The Female Detective" (2013)
- "The Hardboiled Detective" (2012)
- "The Police Procedural" (2011)
- "The Cozy Mystery" (2010)
- "The Psychological Thriller" (2009)
- "The Legal Thriller" (2008)