- "The Universe Exploded" (2017)
- "The Last One" (2017)
- "The First One" (2017)
- "The Only One" (2017)
- "The Universe That Wasn't" (2017)
- "The Universe That Is" (2017)
- "The Universe That Could Have Been" (2017)
- "The Universe That Might Have Been" (2017)
- "The Universe That Will Be" (2017)
Δοκίμια και άρθρα:
- "The Science of Science Fiction" (2017)
- "The Future of Science Fiction" (2017)
- "The Impact of Science Fiction on Society" (2017)
- "Ο ρόλος της επιστημονικής φαντασίας στην εκπαίδευση" (2017)
Βιβλία για νέους ενήλικες:
- "The Time Traveler's Son" (2017)
- "The Time Traveler's Daughter" (2017)