Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έγραψε ο συγγραφέας Konrad Ziller;


- _The Gunman:The 8 Lives of the Gunman from the Munich Olympia Shopping Center_, (Piper, 2005), ISBN 3-492-26984-0.

- _The Secret at Wewelsburg Castle:The Templar Key_, (Piper 2006), ISBN 3-492-26911-5.

- _Operation Noah:Novel on Climate Change_, (Piper 2007), ISBN 978-3-492-25202-0.

- _The Interrogation_ (Piper 2008), ISBN 978-3-492-25085-9.

- _The Order - In the Crosshairs of the Secret Services_ (Piper 2009), ISBN 978-3-492-25480-2.

- _The Cell:Novel about the RAF terrorist Andreas Baader_ (Piper 2012), ISBN 978-3-492-27255-7.

- _The Vatican Deal_ (2017), Piper Verlag GmbH


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