- _Deep Water:The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling_ (2011)
- _American Inquisition:McCarthyism and the Internal Security State_ (1983)
- _Τι έγινε με την Πρώτη Τροποποίηση;_ (1979)
- _The Eavesdropping Society_ (1975)
- _Γραφειοκρατία στη σύγχρονη κοινωνία_ (1973)
- "The Deepwater Horizon Disaster:What Got Wrong and Why" (2011)
- "McCarthyism:A Half-Century Later" (2004)
- "The First Amendment and the War on Terror" (2003)
- "The Erosion of Privacy:A Threat to Democracy" (1979)
- "Bureaucracy:A Necessary Evil" (1973)