* "Crossing Fates" (Crossing Fates, 2011)
* "Flowers of Shadow" (Flowers of Shadow, 2013)
* "The Sun Behind the Clouds" (The Sun Behind the Clouds, 2016)
* "The Seamstress's Daughter" (The Seamstress's Daughter, 2018)
* "The Fragrance of Wildflowers" (The Fragrance of Wildflowers, 2019)
Συλλογές διηγημάτων:
* "Midnight Tales" (Midnight Tales, 2015)
Παιδικά βιβλία:
* "The Girl and the Dragon" (The Girl and the Dragon, 2012)
* "The Boy Who Lost His Voice" (The Boy Who Lost His Voice, 2014)
* "The Enchanted Princess" (The Enchanted Princess, 2016)
Μη λογοτεχνικά:
* "The Power of Gratitude" (The Power of Gratitude, 2017)
* "The Road to Success" (The Road to Success, 2019)