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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Robert F Wambach;


* The Blue Umbrella (1978)

* Recursion (1979)

* The Scarlet Claw (1980)

* The Loch Ness Legacy (1982)

* The Siberian Affair (1983)

* The Omega Strain (1984)

* Η επιλογή της Κίνας (1986)

* The Moscow Connection (1987)

* The Berlin Conspiracy (1989)

* The Istanbul Deception (1991)

* The Cairo Covenant (1992)

* The Karachi Conspiracy (1993)

* The Tokyo Payoff (1994)

* The Seoul Connection (1996)

* The Beijing Shadow (1998)

* The Moscow Gambit (2001)

* The Stockholm Syndrome (2004)

* The Odessa File (2007)

* The Warsaw Protocol (2009)

* The Budapest Gambit (2011)

* The Reykjavik Responsum (2014)

* Το Πρωτόκολλο του Ελσίνκι (2016)

Μη μυθοπλασία:

* The Second American Revolution (1973)

* The New Age (1982)

* The Aquarian Age (1984)

* The Next Millennium (1987)

* Ο 21ος αιώνας (1991)

* The Millennium Revolution (1993)

* The New Renaissance (1995)

* The Age of Enlightenment (1998)

* The Age of Reason (2001)

* The Age of Revolutions (2004)

* The Age of Empire (2006)

* Η εποχή της παγκοσμιοποίησης (2009)

* The Age of Information (2011)

* The Age of Technology (2014)

* The Age of Science (2016)


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