- *Bitter Chocolate* (2009)
- *The Purple Pencil* (2009)
- *The Butterfly Effect* (2009)
- *The Girl on the Train* (2010)
- *The Girl on the Beach* (2010)
- *The Girl in the Mirror* (2010)
- *The Girl in the Shadows* (2011)
- *The Girl in the Mist* (2011)
- *The Girl in the Woods* (2013)
- *The Girl in the Snow* (2013)
- *The Girl on the Roof* (2014)
- *The Girl in the Window* (2015)
- *The Girl on the Bridge* (2016)
- *The Girl in the Doorway* (2017)
- *The Girl on the Edge* (2017)
- *The Girl in the Flame* (2018)
Μη μυθοπλασία:
- *The Art of Writing Fiction* (2011)
- *Ο πλήρης οδηγός για τη συγγραφή ενός μυθιστορήματος* (2012)
- *How to Write a Great Short Story* (2013)
- *The Writer's Workbook* (2014)
- *The Creative Writing Guidebook* (2015)
- *The Novel Writer's Toolkit* (2016)
- *The Short Story Writer's Guidebook* (2017)
- *The Art of Plotting a Novel* (2018)