* The Life and Times of King Richard III (1992)
* The Wars of the Roses:A Comprehensive Account of the Wars of York and Lancaster (1997)
* Ο Richard III and His Rivals:Magnates and their Motives in the Wars of the Roses (1993)
* The Reign of Henry III:A Survey (1988)
* Medieval Records of a London City Church (1978)
* "The Rise of Richard, Duke of York" στο *The Wars of the Roses* που επιμελήθηκε ο Andrew Boardman (1994)
* "The Kingmaker and His Faction in the Wars of the Roses" στο *The Kingmaker and His Heirs:The History of the Earls of Warwick in the Fifteenth Century* (2009)
* "The English Navy and the Wars of the Roses, 1450–1460" στο *The Navy in the Wars of the Roses* (1992)
* "The Battle of Edgcote, 1469:A Re-Assessment" στο *Richard, Duke of York, and His World:A Collection of Papers from the Eighth Medieval Conference Hold in University of York, Ιούλιος 1988* (1990)
* "The Murder of Henry VI, 21 Μαΐου 1471:A New Investigation" στο *Richard III and His Realm:Essays in Honor of Rosemary Horrox* (2002)