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Τι έχει γράψει η συγγραφέας Barbara Cornet Ryberg;


* Bianca:

- "The House of Secrets" (2003)

- "Whispers Behind the Walls" (2005)

- "The Secret of the Villa" (2010)

* Στέφανο του Άρχοντα:

- "Crown of the Archon" (2012)

- "Shadow on the Crown" (2014)

* Οι κόρες της βασίλισσας του χειμώνα:

- "Firelight" (2016)

- "Frostfire" (2018)

- "Shadowspell" (2019)

Μη μυθοπλασία:

* "Love is a Gift:A Memoir of Marriage, Mastectomy, and a Writing Life" (2009)

* "The Author's Guide to the Craft and Business of Writing" (2013)


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