* _Family Circle's Complete Guide to Planning Your Party_ (1985)
* _Good Company_ (1980)
* _A Time to Die_ (1978)
* _The First Step is Love_ (1977)
* _A Touch of Love_ (1976)
* _Everyman's Guide to American Architecture_ (1969)
Μη μυθοπλασία:
* _Υπερβολικά και ποτέ αρκετά:Πώς η οικογένειά μου δημιούργησε τον πιο επικίνδυνο άνθρωπο του κόσμου_ (2020)
* _In the Presence of Greatness:Seven Spiritual Disciplines that Inspire Everyday Leadership_ (2008)
* _The Leading Edge:A Spiritual Manifesto for Business Leadership_ (2006)
* _The Choice is Ours:Leadership for the High Calling of the Church_ (2004)
* _The Circle of Blessing:A Gift for Every Season of Your Life_ (2002)
* _The Circle of Hope:A Gift for Every Season of Your Life_ (1999)
* _A Woman of Blessing:A Gift for Every Season of Your Life_ (1997)