- _The Legend and the Song, 1919_
- _The Flood, 1924_
- _Το Εβραϊκό Κράτος, 1929_
- Η μάχη για το Ισραήλ, 1933_
- _Η ιστορία του εβραϊκού λαού, 1937_
- _The Heritage of the Bible, 1938_
- _Οι Προφήτες, 1940_
- _The Psalms, 1941_
- _The Wisdom of Proverbs, 1942_
- _The Song of Songs, 1943_
- _The Book of Ruth, 1944_
- _The Book of Esther, 1945_
- _The Book of Daniel, 1946_
- _The Book of Jonah, 1947_
- _The Song of Songs, 1948_
- _The Book of Revelation, 1949_
- _The Story of the Jewish People, 1950_
- _The Wisdom of the Talmud, 1951_
- _The Book of Psalms, 1952_
- _The Book of Proverbs, 1953_
- _The Song of Songs, 1954_
- _The Book of Ruth, 1955_
- _The Book of Esther, 1956_
- _The Book of Daniel, 1957_
- _The Book of Jonah, 1958_
- _The Song of Songs, 1959_
- _The Book of Revelation, 1960_
- Η Εβραϊκή Βίβλος, 1961_
- _Οι Προφήτες, 1962_
- _The Psalms, 1963_
- _Η σοφία των παροιμιών, 1964_
- _The Song of Songs, 1965_
- _The Book of Ruth, 1966_
- _The Book of Esther, 1967_
- _The Book of Daniel, 1968_
- _The Book of Jonah, 1969_