* The Hospital (2000)
* Do Not Go Gentle (2003)
* The Killing of Bobbi Sue (2005)
* Μαθήματα κολύμβησης (2007)
* The Observations (2010)
* The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (2012)
* Εκείνοι οι όχι και τόσο πολύτιμοι χρόνοι (2015)
* Sweet Tooth (2017)
* Μείνετε (2020)
Μη μυθοπλασία:
* The Life of a Special (2007)
* "The Mother" (2004)
* "The Babysitter" (2005)
* "The Swimmer" (2006)
* "The Sister" (2007)
* "The Daughter" (2008)
* "The Wife" (2009)
* "The Friend" (2010)
* "The Neighbor" (2011)
* "The Stranger" (2012)
* "The Enemy" (2013)
* "Why I Write" (2007)
* "The Art of Fiction" (2010)
* "On Reading and Writing" (2012)
* «Η σημασία της λογοτεχνίας» (2014)
* "The Writer's Life" (2016)
* The Hospital (2001)
* Do Not Go Gentle (2004)
* The Killing of Bobbi Sue (2006)
* Μαθήματα κολύμβησης (2008)
* The Observations (2011)
* The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (2013)
* Εκείνοι οι όχι και τόσο πολύτιμοι χρόνοι (2016)
* Sweet Tooth (2018)
* Stay (2021)