* The Carefree Years (1988)
* Castle Life (1991)
*Το Γέλιο του Λύκου (1994)
* People of the Forest (1997)
* The Silence of the Fields (2000)
* Alice's Eyes (2003)
* Northern Lights (2006)
* The Wind of the Steppes (2009)
* Children of the Desert (2012)
* The Blood of the Glaciers (2015)
* Μικρά νέα από τους ανθρώπους του δάσους (1998)
* Tales from the Blue Moon (2002)
* Weird and Wonderful Stories (2010)
* The Poetry of Nature (1995)
* Myths of the Forest (2004)
* The Writer and Nature (2008)
Παιδικά βιβλία
* The Adventures of Petit-Gris (1992)
* The Enchanted Forest (1995)
* The Kingdom of Elves (1997)
* The Snow Princess (2000)
* The Mountain Sorcerer (2003)