* The Lost World (1992)
* The Devil of Milan (1993)
* The Last Revenge (1995)
* The Eagle's Children (1997)
* The Roses of Jericho (1999)
* The Devil's Daughter (2001)
* The Heirs of the Night (2003)
* The Guardians of Time (2005)
* The Black Queen (2007)
* The Lost Children (2009)
* The Last Temple (2011)
* The Daughter of Light (2013)
* The Mistress of Shadows (2015)
* The Queen of Fire (2017)
* The Secret of the Black Knight (1989)
* Night of the Vampire (1990)
* The Pharaoh's Tomb (1991)
* The Mummy's Curse (1992)
* Η εκδίκηση του Μινώταυρου (1993)
* The Treasure of Genghis Khan (1994)
* The Prophecy of Maya (1995)
* The Lost City of Atlantis (1996)
* The Secret of Easter Island (1997)
* Ταξίδι στο Κέντρο της Γης (1998)
* Ένα ταξίδι στο χρόνο στον Μεσαίωνα (1999)
* The Expedition to Mars (2000)
* The Mission to the Moon (2001)
* The Discovery of the Black Hole (2002)
* Alien Invasion (2003)
* The Apocalypse (2004)
Παιδικά βιβλία:
* The Little Witch (1994)
* The Little Dragon (1995)
* The Little Mermaid (1996)
* The Little Circus (1997)
* Το Κάστρο του Μικρού Ιππότη (1998)
* The Little Pirate (1999)
* The Little Princess (2000)
* The Little King (2001)
* The Little Fairy (2002)
* The Little Wizard (2003)
* The Little Elf (2004)
* The Little Mermaid (2005)
* The Little Troll (2006)
* The Little Giant (2007)
* The Little Goblin (2008)
Βιβλία μη λογοτεχνίας:
* The History of the Middle Ages (2004)
* The History of Ancient Egypt (2006)
* The History of the Roman Empire (2008)
* The Story of II World War (2010)
* The History of the Cold War (2012)
* The Story of Humanity (2014)