* The Discovery of Slowness (1983)
* The Life Before You (1990)
* Ένας άντρας στο σπίτι (1993)
* The Other Woman (1995)
* My Father's Story (1998)
* The Beloved Woman (2001)
* The Last Resort (2004)
* The Judge and His Executioner (2007)
* The Politician's Wife (2009)
* The Publisher (2012)
* Πολύ αργά για αγάπη (1985)
* The House of Beautiful Things (1987)
* The Voice of Silence (1989)
* The Last Dance (1992)
* Το ταξίδι στην Ιθάκη (1994)
* The Happiness of Despair (1996)
* The Art of Saying Goodbye (1998)
* The Dream of the Prophet (2000)
* The Hope of the Damned (2002)
* The Love of the Stranger (2004)
Δοκίμια και μη μυθοπλασία
* The Art of Failure (1991)
* The Power of Hope (1994)
* The Magic of the Moment (1997)
* The Wisdom of Age (2000)
* The Beauty of Death (2003)
* The Philosophy of Life (2006)
* The Theology of Hope (2009)
* The Ethics of Responsibility (2012)