* _Christian Science Unveiled_ (1906)
* _What Makes a Christian_ (1908)
* _The Revival of Religion_ (1910)
* _What is God Like_ (1911)
* _Is God Real_ (1912)
* _Η Νέα Εκκλησία_ (1914)
* _Υπάρχει κόλαση;_ (1915)
* _Life's Supreme Question_ (1916)
* _Living the Life_ (1917)
* _Religious Manhood and Womanhood_ (1918)
* _Πώς ήρθε ο Θεός στη Γη_ (1920)
* _The Man from Nazareth_ (1921)
* _Revivals of Religion:Their Laws and Leaders_ (1922)
* _The Religion That Never Fails_ (1924)
* _The Secret of Successful Evangelism_ (1925)
* _Living Life With God_ (1926)
* _Our Master:The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth_ (1927)
* _The World We Live In_ (1928)
* _My Life's Journey_ (Αυτοβιογραφία) (1930)