* _The Mill and the Crucible:A Novel of the Industrial Revolution_ (2005)
* _The Glassblower:A Novel of Venice_ (2010)
* _The Da Vinci Code:A Novel_ (2003) (με τον Dan Brown)
* _Angels &Demons:A Novel_ (2000) (με τον Νταν Μπράουν)
Μη λογοτεχνικά
* _The Medici of Florence:A Family That Ruled the World_ (2009)
* _Leonardo da Vinci:A Biography_ (2010)
* _The Pope and the Heretic:A Story of Power and Faith_ (2012)
* _How to Write Popular Fiction:A Writer’s Guide_ (2014)
* _The New York Times Guide to the Best Novels_ (2015)
* _Τα 50 καλύτερα ιστορικά μυθιστορήματα_ (2016)