Μυθιστορήματα επιστημονικής φαντασίας:
* "Death Note" (1983)
* "Moonstar Odyssey" (1984)
* "The Song of the Quarkbeast" (1986)
* "The Godgame" (1987)
* "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1988)
* "The Shadow of the Three Moon" (1989)
* "The Dragon's Eye" (1990)
* "The Gate of Time" (1991)
* "The Crystal Stars" (1992)
* "The Fire Dragon" (1993)
* "The Silver Gryphon" (1994)
Μυθιστορήματα φαντασίας:
* "The Elven Star" (1985)
* "The Jewel of the Unicorn" (1995)
* "The Mirror of Merlin" (1996)
* "The Song of the Raven" (1997)
* "The Sword of the Seven Seas" (1998)
* "The Amulet of the Ancients" (1999)
Μυθιστορήματα μυστηρίου:
* "Deadly Reunion" (1991)
* "Murder on the Mystic Isles" (1992)
* "Death of a Mermaid" (1993)
* "Malice in Malibu" (1994)
* "Peril in Paradise" (1995)