Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έχει γράψει η συγγραφέας Marcia Kunstel;


- *The Rabbi’s Dove* (2013)

- *The Violin Player* (2015)

- *The Wilderness of Sundays* (2020)

Μη μυθοπλασία:

- *The Five Acts of Love:A Romance Novelist's Guide to Creating Strong Relationships in Our Lives* (2008)

- *Letting Go of Anger:The 10 Most Common Anger Styles and What To Do About Them* (2008)

- *The Artful Edit:Uncovering, Refining, and Perfecting Your Writing* (2011)

- *Διασκεδάζω τόσο πολύ εδώ χωρίς εσένα:Quit Over-Thinking &Start Over-Living* (2016)


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