Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Σεσίλ Τζάστιν Λαμ;


- "The Sacred &the Profane" (2021)

- "The Art of Mirrors" (2023)

Δοκίμια και διηγήματα:

- "The Mirror:A Meditation on Beauty and Mortality" (2019)

- "The Journey:A Pilgrim's Progress Through the Wilderness of Doubt" (2020)

- "The Garden:A Place of Rest and Renewal" (2021)

- "The Mountain:A Journey of Ascensions" (2022)


- "Visions of the Heart:A Collection of Poetic Reflections" (2020)

- "Whispers of the Soul:A Collection of Poetic Musings" (2021)

- "Songs of the Spirit:A Collection of Devotional Poems" (2022)

Παιδικά βιβλία:

- "The Adventures of Timmy the Time Traveler" (2020)

- "The Magic of Friendship:A Story About the Power of True Connections" (2021)

- "The Tale of the Lonely Lion Cub:A Story About Finding Acceptance and Love" (2022)


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