Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Talib Hussain Sayal;


* The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon (2011)

* Exposuring The Darkness (2012)

* Where The Shadows Lie (2014)

* Tears Of The Desert (2015)

* Echoes Of The Soul (2017)

* Το τελευταίο μυστικό (2018)

* The Silent Warrior (2019)

* The Whispering Shadows (2020)

* The Buried Truth (2021)

* The Reckoning (2022)

Μη μυθοπλασία:

* The Power Of Words (2013)

* The Art Of Story (2016)

* The Secrets Of The Soul (2018)

* The Journey of a Thousand Steps (2020)


* The Girl Who Speke To The Stars (2012)

* The Last Song Of The Nightingale (2014)

* The Gift Of The Magi (2016)

* Το κόκκινο φόρεμα (2018)

* The Old Man And The Sea (2020)

* The Stranger In The Woods (2022)


* The Song Of The Soul (2011)

* Whispers Of The Heart (2013)

* Echoes Of The Spirit (2015)

* The Dance Of The Dervish (2017)

* The Symphony Of Silence (2019)

* The Garden Of Shadows (2021)

Παιδικά βιβλία:

* The Adventures Of Sammy The Squirrel (2012)

* The Magical World Of Bella The Butterfly (2014)

* The Incredible Adventures Of Tommy The Turtle (2016)

* The Amazing Journey Of Lily The Ladybug (2018)

* The Adventures of Oliver the Octopus (2020)

* The Magical Adventures of Charlie the Chameleon (2022)


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