- "Saul Bellow's America:Dialogues with His Contemporaries" (επιμέλεια, 1993)
- "Οι ιστορίες πίσω από τις ιστορίες:24 κλασικά μυθιστορήματα που ενέπνευσαν μεγάλες ταινίες" (εκδότης, 2003)
- "The Writer's Guide to Crafting a Plot" (2004)
- "The Perfect Murder" (2006)
- "The Last Laugh" (2007)
- "The Right Hand" (2009)
- "The Last Deception" (2011)
- "The Pretender" (2013)
- "The Red Herring" (2015)
- "The Double Cross" (2017)
- "The Final Betrayal" (2019)
Μη μυθοπλασία:
- "Jewish Comedy:A Serious History" (2015)
- "Laughter in the Darkness:Jewish Humor Through the Ages" (2017)
- "The Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud" (2019)