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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Kojo Gyinaye Kyei;


* Land of My Mother (1991)

* Ο Πρώτος Πρόεδρος της Γκάνας, μια βιογραφία του Kwame Nkrumah (1993)

* Echoes of Silence (1998)

* The People Still March:A New Generation of Non-Violent Activists in the 21st Century (2001)

* The African Experience (2011)

* An African in Harlem:A Memoir (2014)

* The Journey from Jamestown:A Chronicle of the African Diaspora (2015)

* Africa's Gift to America:The Afrocentric Idea in African American Culture (2016)


* «The African Origin of the Human Race:A Challenge to Eurocentrism» (1994)

* «Ο ρόλος της Αφρικανικής Διασποράς στο Αφρικανικό Απελευθερωτικό Κίνημα» (1995)

* "Pan-Africanism and Black Internationalism:A Comparative Analysis" (1996)

* "The Afrocentric Idea in African American Culture" (1997)

* "The Challenge of Postcolonial Africa:A Critical Assessment" (1998)

* "Global Africa and the African Renaissance:Prospects and Challenges" (2000)

* "The African Diaspora and the Construction of African Identity" (2001)

* "The Pan-African Movement:History, Challenges, and Prospects" (2002)

* "Africans in America:A Historical Perspective" (2003)

* "The African Union:A New Vision for Africa" ​​(2005)

* «Η Αφρικανική Διασπορά και η Ανάπτυξη της Αφρικής» (2006)

* "Africa in the 21st Century:Challenges and Opportunities" (2007)

* «Η Αφρικανική Διασπορά και η Προεδρία Ομπάμα» (2009)

* "The Arab Spring:A New Chapter in African History" (2011)

* "Africa and the Global Economy:Embracing the Opportunities" (2012)

* "The African Diaspora and the Future of Africa" ​​(2013)

* "The African Renaissance:A Vision for Shared Prosperity" (2014)

* "Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals:A Path to Sustainable Development" (2015)

* "The African Diaspora and the United Nations:A Partnership for Development" (2016)


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