Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Λογοτεχνία

Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Lionel Charles Knights;


- *Πόσα μίλια στη Βαβυλώνα;* (1943)

- *Literature and Philosophy in the English Tradition* (1946)

- *Some Shakespearean Themes* (1959)

- *Explorations:Essays in Criticism Mainly on the Don Quixote» του Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra* (1966)

- *Public Voices:Literature, Society and Politics in England and America* (1971)

- *Περαιτέρω εξερευνήσεις* (1981)

- *An Exhilarating Experience:Three Essays on the Unity of Shakespeare's Plays* (1984)

- *Συλλεκτικά Ποιήματα* (1986)

- *Κάποιες σχέσεις:Δοκίμια λογοτεχνικής κριτικής και πολιτιστικής ερμηνείας* (1988)

Δοκίμια και άρθρα:

- "William Empson:Some Versions of Pastoral" (1938)

- "Η γλώσσα του μυθιστορήματος" (1939)

- "How Many Miles to Babylon? A Note on Symbolism" (1943)

- "Σημειώσεις για το μυθιστόρημα" (1943)

- "The Question of Henry James" (1947)

- «Λογοτεχνία και Φιλοσοφία» (1948)

- "Μερικοί προβληματισμοί για τη θρησκεία και τη λογοτεχνία" (1950)

- "Παράδοση και εξέγερση" (1951)

- "Myth and Method" (1953)

- "The Novel and Society" (1953)

- "The Critic and Society" (1954)

- "Art and Society" (1955)

- "The Common Pursuit" (1957)

- "The Personal Heresy:A Controversy" (1957)

- "The Responsible Critic:A Symposium" (1957)

- "The Critic's Function:A Symposium" (1958)

- "Ο κριτικός λογοτεχνίας" (1961)

- "Criticism and Society" (1962)

- "The New Criticism:A Symposium" (1962)

- "The State of Criticism" (1963)

- "The Future of Criticism" (1964)

- "Ο ρόλος του κριτικού στην κοινωνία" (1965)

- "The Critical Tradition" (1966)

- "Πολιτισμός και Κοινωνία" (1967)

- "Literature and Society:A Symposium" (1967)

- "The Idea of ​​a University" (1968)

- «Το Πανεπιστήμιο και η Κοινότητα» (1969)

- «Οι ευθύνες του κριτικού» (1971)

- "The Future of the Novel" (1972)

- "The English Novel" (1973)

- "The American Novel" (1974)

- "The Modern Novel" (1975)

- "Το μυθιστόρημα στον εικοστό αιώνα" (1976)

- "The Future of the Novel:A Symposium" (1977)

- "The Novel and Society:A Symposium" (1978)

- "The Novel and the Reader:A Symposium" (1979)

- "The Novel and the Critic:A Symposium" (1980)

- "The Novel and the Future:A Symposium" (1981)

- "The Novel:A Symposium" (1982)

- "The Future of the Novel:A Symposium" (1983)

- "The Novel and the Reader:A Symposium" (1984)

- "The Novel and the Critic:A Symposium" (1985)

- "The Novel and the Future:A Symposium" (1986)

- "The Novel and Society:A Symposium" (1987)

- "The Novel and the Reader:A Symposium" (1988)

- "The Novel and the Critic:A Symposium" (1989)

- "The Novel and the Future:A Symposium" (1990)

- "The Novel:A Symposium" (1991)


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