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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Frederick Oswald Langley;

Frederick Oswald Langley (1857-1931) ήταν Βρετανός στρατιώτης και συγγραφέας που υπηρετούσε στο βρετανικό Σουδάν, όπου ήταν συνεργάτης του Ράντγιαρντ Κίπλινγκ. Ήταν επίσης μέλος της Βασιλικής Γεωγραφικής Εταιρείας και του Ανθρωπολογικού Ινστιτούτου της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και της Ιρλανδίας.

Τα γραπτά του Langley περιλαμβάνουν:

- The Land of the White Elephant:Experiences in Indo-China (1892)

- In Savage Lands:A Tale of Adventure (1893)

- The Story of the Khartum Relief Expedition (1894)

- Η ιστορία της ανταρσίας της Ουγκάντα (1895)

- The Romance of the Cape Frontier:A Story of Piracy and Adventure in Southern Africa (1897)

- The Land of Gold:A Tale of the Mining Days of California (1899)

- Pioneers and Patriots:A Page from the History of South Africa (1900)

- The Great North Land:A Story of Adventure in the Frozen North (1901)

- The Land of Riddles:A Tale of Adventure in Unknown Africa (1902)

- The New Land of the West:A Tale of Adventure in New Zealand (1903)

- The Red Book:A Story of Travel and Adventure in Russia (1904)

- The Golden Horde:A Tale of Adventure in Central Asia (1905)

- The Scarlet Runner:A Story of the Land of the Aztecs (1906)

- The Black Panther:A Tale of Adventure in the Brazilian Forests (1907)

- The Lost Continent:A Story of Adventure in Atlantis (1908)

- The Last of the Incas:A Tale of Adventure στο Περού (1909)

- The Lone Rider:A Story of Adventure in the Wild West (1910)

- The Fighting Legion:A Tale of Adventure in Ancient Rome (1911)

- The Greenmantle:A Tale of Adventure in Central Asia (1912)

- The Yellow Fog:A Tale of Adventure in China (1913)

- The Lion's Share:A Story of Adventure in British East Africa (1914)

- The Trail of the Tiger:A Tale of Adventure in the Malay Archipelago (1915)

- The White Rajah:A Story of Adventure in Borneo (1916)

- The Sea Rovers:A Tale of Adventure in the Caribbean (1917)

- The Black Buccaneer:A Story of Adventure in the South Seas (1918)

- The Man from Madagascar:A Tale of Adventure in the Indian Ocean (1919)

- The Diamond Hunters:A Story of Adventure in South Africa (1920)

- The Elephant Hunters:A Tale of Adventure in Central Africa (1921)

- The Golden City:A Story of Adventure in South America (1922)

- The White Goddess:A Tale of Adventure in the Arctic (1923)

- The Black Magician:A Story of Adventure in India (1924)

- The Lost Colony:A Tale of Adventure in the New World (1925)

- The Red Emperor:A Story of Adventure in China (1926)

- The Blue Lotus:A Tale of Adventure στο Θιβέτ (1927)

- The Phantom City:A Story of Adventure in the Sahara (1928)

- The Crystal Mountain:A Tale of Adventure in the Andes (1929)

- The Sacred City:A Story of Adventure in the Himalayas (1930)

- The Hidden Valley:A Tale of Adventure in the South Seas (1931)


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