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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Edward Albert Herron;


- *The Evolution of the Sower:A Study in the Religious Life of the Western World* (1993)

- *Christianity and the World Religions* (1995)

- *The Sacred Science:A Study in the Spirituality of Science and the Spirituality of Religion* (1998)

- *The Mystical Quest:A Study of the Spiritual Journey in the World's Religions* (1999)

- *Jesus and the Wisdom Tradition:A Study in Gospel Perspective* (2000)

- *The Cosmic Covenant:A Study in Christocentric Cosmology* (2001)

- *The Cosmic Covenant II:A Study in Cosmic Christology* (2002)

- *The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2003)

- *The Cosmic Covenant III:A Study in Cosmic Pneuma* (2004)

- *The Wisdom of the Desert Mothers:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2005)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Ascetics:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2006)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Mystics:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2007)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Theologians:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2008)

- *The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2009)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Spiritual Masters:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2010)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2011)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Life:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2012)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Spirituality:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2013)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Theology:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2014)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2015)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Heritage:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2016)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism* (2017)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 2* (2018)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 3* (2019)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 4* (2020)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 5* (2021)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 6* (2022)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 7* (2023)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 8* (2024)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 9* (2025)

- *The Wisdom of the Early Christian Monastic Legacy:A Study in Early Christian Monasticism, Τόμος 10* (2026)

Άρθρα και συνεισφορές σε βιβλία και περιοδικά:

- «The Christology of the Desert Fathers:A Study of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition» (1992)

- «The Spirit Christology of the Desert Mothers:A Study of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition» (1993)

- "The Soteriology of the Desert Fathers:A Study of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition" (1994)

- "The Eschatology of the Desert Fathers:A Study of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition" (1995)

- «Η Εκκλησιολογία των Πατέρων της Ερήμου:Μελέτη της Παλαιοχριστιανικής Μοναστικής Παράδοσης» (1996)

- «The Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (1997)

- "The Legacy of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity" (1998)

- «Η σοφία της παλαιοχριστιανικής μοναστικής παράδοσης:μια μελέτη στην πνευματικότητα του πρώιμου χριστιανισμού» (1999)

- «The Theology of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2000)

- «The Spirituality of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2001)

- «Η Φιλοσοφία της Παλαιοχριστιανικής Μοναστικής Παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην Πνευματικότητα του Πρώιμου Χριστιανισμού» (2002)

- «The Psychology of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2003)

- «Η Κοινωνιολογία της Παλαιοχριστιανικής Μοναστικής Παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην Πνευματικότητα του Πρώιμου Χριστιανισμού» (2004)

- «The Economics of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2005)

- «The Politics of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2006)

- «The Culture of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2007)

- «Η ιστορία της παλαιοχριστιανικής μοναστικής παράδοσης:μια μελέτη στην πνευματικότητα του πρώιμου χριστιανισμού» (2008)

- «The Literature of the Early Christian Monastic Tradition:A Study in the Spirituality of Early Christianity» (2009)

- «Η τέχνη της παλαιοχριστιανικής μοναστικής παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην πνευματικότητα του πρώιμου χριστιανισμού» (2010)

- «Η μουσική της παλαιοχριστιανικής μοναστικής παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην πνευματικότητα του πρώιμου χριστιανισμού» (2011)

- «Η Αρχιτεκτονική της Παλαιοχριστιανικής Μοναστικής Παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην Πνευματικότητα του Πρώιμου Χριστιανισμού» (2012)

- «Η Λειτουργία της παλαιοχριστιανικής μοναστικής παράδοσης:Μελέτη στην πνευματικότητα των πρώιμων


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