* "No Time to Die" (2021)
* "With a Little Help" (2020)
* "The Other Woman" (2019)
* "The Perfect Couple" (2018)
* "The Honeytrap" (2017)
* "The Girl Next Door" (2016)
* "The Life She Wanted" (2015)
* "The Good Girl" (2014)
* "The Perfect Family" (2013)
* "The Anniversary" (2022)
* "The Christmas Party" (2021)
* "The Wedding" (2020)
* "The Birthday Party" (2019)
* "The Secret" (2018)
* "The Lie" (2017)
* "The Truth" (2016)
* "The Betrayal" (2015)
* "The Forgiveness" (2014)
Μη φανταστική
* "How to Write a Bestseller" (2022)
* "The Art of Plotting" (2021)
* "Creating Characters Readers Will Love" (2020)
* "The Secrets of Dialogue" (2019)
* "The Power of Description" (2018)
* "The Elements of Style" (2017)
* "The Grammar of Fiction" (2016)
* "The Business of Writing" (2015)
* "The Psychology of Writing" (2014)