* The Banker (1914)
* Paul and Virginia (1914)
* Pauline Bradford:A Tale of the Border (1915)
* The Iron Heel (1915)
* The Building of the "City Beautiful" (1916)
* The Purple Parasol (1916)
* The Broken Lance (1917)
* The Call of the East (1918)
* The Land of Terror (1918)
* The Shadow of the Past (1919)
* The Desert Healer (1920)
* The Jade God (1921)
* The Sea Wolf (1921)
* Πέρα από το Τείχος (1922)
* The Valley of the Giants (1923)
* Ο μεγάλος αγώνας (1924)
* The Fighting Blade (1925)
* The Flame of the Orient (1926)
* The Jungle Trail (1927)
* Η Χρυσή Πόλη (1928)
* The Crimson Circle (1929)
* The Hidden Empire (1930)
* The Lost Colony (1931)
* The Tower of Doom (1932)
* The City in the Sky (1933)
* The Valley of the Kings (1934)
* Το νησί του κινδύνου (1935)
* The Land of Darkness (1936)
* The Valley of the Stars (1937)
* Η πόλη στο τέλος του χρόνου (1938)
* The Lost World of Atlantis (1939)
* The Land of the Giants (1940)
* Η πόλη κάτω από τη θάλασσα (1941)
* The Valley of the Dead (1942)
* The Shadow of the Gods (1943)
* The City of Doom (1944)
* The Land of the Living Dead (1945)
* The Valley of the Mists (1946)
* The City of Dreams (1947)
* The Land of Faerie (1948)
* The Valley of the Unicorns (1949)
* The City of Enchantment (1950)
* The Land of Illusion (1951)
* The Valley of the Shadows (1952)
* The City of Darkness (1953)
* The Land of Death (1954)
* The Valley of Despair (1955)
* The City of Destruction (1956)
* The Land of Chaos (1957)
* The Valley of Annihilation (1958)
* The City of Hell (1959)
* The Land of the Damned (1960)
* The Valley of the Apocalpyse (1961)
* "The City of a Thousand Wonders" (1913)
* «Ο άνθρωπος που δεν μπορούσε να πεθάνει» (1914)
* "Η αόρατη δύναμη" (1915)
* "The Death Ray" (1916)
* "The Time Machine" (1917)
* «Η κοιλάδα των γιγάντων» (1918)
* "The Shadow of the Moon" (1919)
* "The Crystal of Atlantis" (1920)
* "The Flame of the Orient" (1921)
* "The Jungle Trail" (1922)
* «Η Χρυσή Πόλη» (1923)
* "The Crimson Circle" (1924)
* "The Hidden Empire" (1925)
* "The Lost Colony" (1926)
* "The Tower of Doom" (1927)
* "The City in the Sky" (1928)
* "The Valley of the Kings" (1929)
* «Το νησί του κινδύνου» (1930)
* "The Land of Darkness" (1931)
* "The Valley of the Stars" (1932)
* «Η πόλη στο τέλος του χρόνου» (1933)
* "The Lost World of Atlantis" (1934)
* "The Land of the Giants" (1935)
* "The City Under the Sea" (1936)
* "The Valley of the Dead" (1937)
* "The Shadow of the Gods" (1938)
* "The City of Doom" (1939)
* "The Land of the Living Dead" (1940)
* "The Valley of the Mists" (1941)
* "The City of Dreams" (1942)
* "The Land of Faerie" (1943)
* "The Valley of the Unicorns" (1944)
* «Η Πόλη της Μαγείας» (1945)
* "The Land of Illusion" (1946)
* "The Valley of the Shadows" (1947)
* "The City of Darkness" (1948)
* "The Land of Death" (1949)
* "The Valley of Despair" (1950)
* "The City of Destruction" (1951)
* "The Land of Chaos" (1952)
* "The Valley of Annihilation" (1953)
* "The City of Hell" (1954)
* "The Land of the Damned" (1955)
* "The Valley of the Apocalypse" (1956)
* The Ballad of the City Beautiful (1916)
* The Song of the Sea Wolf (1921)
* The Hymn of the Jungle Trail (1927)
* The Ode to the Golden City (1928)
* The Epic of the Crimson Circle (1929)
* The Saga of the Hidden Empire (1930)
* The Legend of the Lost Colony (1931)
* The Myth of the Tower of Doom (1932)
* Το όνειρο της πόλης στον ουρανό (1933)
* The Vision of the Valley of the Kings (1934)
* The Prophecy of the Island of Peril (1935)
* The Warning of the Land of Darkness (1936)
* The Call of the Valley of the Stars (1937)
* Η υπόσχεση της πόλης στο τέλος του χρόνου (1938)
* The Revelation of the Lost World of Atlantis (1939)
* The Discovery of the Land of the Giants (1940)
* Η κατάκτηση της πόλης κάτω από τη θάλασσα (1941)
* The Triumph of the Valley of the Dead (1942)
* The Redemption of the Shadow of the Gods (1943)
* The Deliverance of the City of Doom (1944)
* The Resurrection of the Land of the Living Dead (1945)
* The Transfiguration of the Valley of the Mists (1946)
* The Ascension of the City of Dreams (1947)
* The Apotheosis of the Land of Faerie (1948)
* The Deification of the Valley of the Unicorns (1949)
* The Enchantment of the City of Enchantment (1950)
* The Disilusionment of the Land of Illusion (1951)
* The Desolation of the Valley of the Shadows (1952)
* The Destruction of the City of Darkness (1953)
* The Obliteration of the Land of Death (1954)
* The Annihilation of the Valley of Despair (1955)
* The Devastation of the City of Destruction (1956)
* The Dissolution of the Land of Chaos (1957)
* The Eradication of the Valley of Annihilation (1958)
* The Desecration of the City of Hell (1959)
* The Damnation of the Land of the Damned (1960)
* The Apocalypse of the Valley of the Apocalypse (1961)