- "*Shadow Star - The Secret Stories of the Stars*" (1998)
- "*Silent Days in Pompeii*" (2004)
- "*Willow of Tears. An Italian Story*" (2008)
- "*The Women of Lourdes. A pilgrimage novel*" (2009)
- "*The Camellia Blossom*" (2011)
- "*The Roses of Jericho*" (2013)
- "*The Secret of the Women's Abbey*" (2015)
- "*La Dolce Vita - The Sweet Life*" (2017)
- "*A House by the Sea*" (2019)
- "*Η ευτυχία είναι ένα νησί*" (2021)
- "*The Olive Grove*" (2006)
- "*The Almond Trees*" (2010)
- "*The Orange Tree*" (2014)
- "*The Lemon Tree*" (2018)
Παιδικά βιβλία
- "*The Little Mermaid*" (2005)
- "*The Little Witch*" (2006)
- "*The Little Princess*" (2007)
- "*The Little Prince*" (2008)
- "*Η Αλίκη στη Χώρα των Θαυμάτων*" (2009)
- "*Peter Pan*" (2010)
- "*The Wizard of Oz*" (2011)
- "*Ένα ταξίδι σε όλο τον κόσμο σε 80 ημέρες*" (2012)
- "*Treasure Island*" (2013)
- "*The Adventures of Tom Sawyer*" (2014)
- "*Huckleberry Finn*" (2015)
- "*Ταξίδι στο Κέντρο της Γης*" (2016)
- "*20.000 Leagues Under the Sea*" (2017)
- "*The Time Machine*" (2018)
- "*The War of the Worlds*" (2019)
- "*The Invisible Woman*" (2020)
- "*The Man in the Moon*" (2021)
- "*Stars over Toscany*" (2007)
- "*Summer dreams on Lake Maggiore*" (2010)
- "*Italian Nights*" (2012)
- "*Love stories from Italy*" (2014)
- "*Toscan Stories*" (2016)
- "*Italian Tales*" (2018)
- "*Χριστουγεννιάτικες ιστορίες από την Ιταλία*" (2019)
- "*Ιταλικά διηγήματα*" (2021)
- "*Le notti di San Pietroburgo*" (2011)
- "*Οι γυναίκες της Λούρδης. Un romanzo*" (2012)
- "*La Dolce Vita - The Sweet Life*" (2017)
- "*A House by the Sea*" (2019)
- "*Η ευτυχία είναι ένα νησί*" (2021)