* Από τον Δαρβίνο στον Χίτλερ. Μια έκθεση και διάψευση της φυλετικής θεωρίας (1935)
* Ο κόσμος χωρίς πόλεμο. Ένας προβληματισμός για την αναγκαιότητα μιας διεθνούς ειρηνευτικής πολιτικής (1936)
* Οι ΗΠΑ πριν τον πόλεμο (1938)
* Αγγλία και ΗΠΑ (1939)
* Ο Νέος Κόσμος (1940)
* Η Σοβιετική Ένωση (1941)
* Κίνα (1942)
* Ιαπωνία (1943)
* Ινδία (1944)
* Αφρική (1945)
* Νότια Αμερική (1946)
* Αυστραλία και Νέα Ζηλανδία (1947)
* Ευρώπη (1948)
* Τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη (1949)
* The History of Mankind (1950)
* The Future of Humanity (1951)
* The Grand Illusion (1952)
* Πόλεμος ή Ειρήνη; (1953)
* The Divide of the World (1954)
* The Road to Peace (1955)
* The Nuclear Threat (1956)
Αφοπλισμός ή καταστροφή (1957)
* The Great Danger (1958)
* The Hope of the World (1959)
* The New Time (1960)
* The Challenge of the Future (1961)
* The Road to the Future (1962)
* Η απόφαση (1963)
* The Hour of Decision (1964)
* The Future of Europe (1965)
* The Future of Humanity (1966)
* The Great Task (1967)
* The Great Hope (1968)
* The Future of the World (1969)
* The Great Challenge (1970)
* The Road to Peace (1971)
* The Future of Humanity (1972)
* The Great Task (1973)
* The Great Hope (1974)
* The Future of the World (1975)
* The Great Challenge (1976)
* The Road to Peace (1977)
* The Future of Humanity (1978)
* The Great Task (1979)
* The Great Hope (1980)
* The Future of the World (1981)
* The Great Challenge (1982)
* The Road to Peace (1983)
* The Future of Humanity (1984)
* The Great Task (1985)
* The Great Hope (1986)
* The Future of the World (1987)
* The Great Challenge (1988)
* The Road to Peace (1989)
* The Future of Humanity (1990)
* The Great Task (1991)
* The Great Hope (1992)
* The Future of the World (1993)
* The Great Challenge (1994)
* The Road to Peace (1995)
* The Future of Humanity (1996)
* The Great Task (1997)
* The Great Hope (1998)
* The Future of the World (1999)
* The Great Challenge (2000)
* The Road to Peace (2001)
* The Future of Humanity (2002)
* The Great Task (2003)
* The Great Hope (2004)
* The Future of the World (2005)
* The Big Challenge (2006)
* The Road to Peace (2007)
* The Future of Humanity (2008)
* The Great Task (2009)
* The Great Hope (2010)
* The Future of the World (2011)
* The Big Challenge (2012)
* The Road to Peace (2013)
* The Future of Humanity (2014)
* The Great Task (2015)
* The Great Hope (2016)
* The Future of the World (2017)
* The Big Challenge (2018)
* The Road to Peace (2019)
* The Future of Humanity (2020)