Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Συγγραφείς

Τι έχει γράψει η συγγραφέας Gertrude E Finney;


- *Διάσημες ρήσεις και οι συγγραφείς τους* (1913)

- *The Story of Columbus and Magellan* (1920)

- *The Story of the Aztecs* (1923)

- *The Story of France* (1925)

- *The Story of America* (1927)

- *The Story of Europe* (1929)

- *The Story of the Greeks* (1931)

- *The Story of the Romans* (1933)

- *The Story of China* (1935)

- *The Story of Japan* (1937)

- *The Story of the Americas* (1939)

- *The Story of the World* (1941)

- *The Story of the English-Speaking Peoples* (1943)

- *The Story of the United States* (1945)

- *The Story of the Presidents* (1947)

- *Η ιστορία του Συντάγματος* (1949)

- *The Story of the Supreme Court* (1951)

- *The Story of the United States Congress* (1953)

- *The Story of the American Flag* (1955)

- *The Story of the American People* (1957)


- "The First Thanksgiving Dinner" (1921)

- "The Pilgrims at Plymouth" (1923)

- "George Washington:The Father of His Country" (1925)

- «Η Διακήρυξη της Ανεξαρτησίας» (1927)

- «Το Σύνταγμα των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών» (1929)

- "The Bill of Rights" (1931)

- "Ο Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος" (1933)

- "The World Wars" (1935)

- "The Cold War" (1937)

- "The Civil Rights Movement" (1939)

- "The War on Terrorism" (2001)

Άλλα έργα:

- *A Child's History of the United States* (1922)

- *A Child's History of the World* (1924)

- *The Story of the Bible* (1926)

- *The Story of the Life of Jesus* (1928)

- *The Story of the Apostles* (1930)

- *The Story of the Early Church* (1932)

- *The Story of the Middle Ages* (1934)

- *The Story of the Renaissance* (1936)

- *The Story of the Reformation* (1938)

- *The Story of the Enlightenment* (1940)

- *Η ιστορία της Γαλλικής Επανάστασης* (1942)

- *The Story of the Napoleonic Wars* (1944)

- *The Story of the Industrial Revolution* (1946)

- *The Story of the Age of Invention* (1948)

- *The Story of the Modern Age* (1950)


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