* The Full Cup (2012)
* The House on Sycamore Circle (2013)
* Η Παναγία του Ευλογημένου Καθαρτηρίου (2014)
* The Waiting Room (2016)
* The Silence of Morning (2018)
* The Song of the Cricket (2021)
Ποιητικές συλλογές
* Από πού έρχεσαι; (2012)
* The House of the Water Spirit (2013)
* The Book of the Dead (2015)
* The Book of the Living (2017)
* The Book of the Ancestors (2019)
Συλλογές διηγημάτων
* The Secret Life of Saints (2014)
* The Daughters of the Morning (2016)
* The Sons of the Evening (2018)
* The Children of the Night (2020)
* The First Harvest (2013)
* The Sacred Flame (2015)
* The Circle of Life (2017)
* The Call of the Ancestors (2019)
Μη λογοτεχνικά βιβλία
* The Path of Maat:A Guide to Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and Spirituality (2015)
* The Egyptian Book of the Dead:A Guide to the Afterlife (2017)
* The Egyptian Book of the Living:A Guide to Life in Ancient Egypt (2019)