* _A Solitary Woman_ (1983)
* _The Edible Woman_ (1969)
* _Other Women_ (1976)
* _Sarah Versus Life_ (1978)
* _The Whole Heart_ (1982)
* _What We Talk About When We Talk About Love_ (1989)
Συλλογές διηγημάτων
* _Collected Stories_ (1994)
* _Face Cards_ (1993)
* _Μέδουσα_ (1979)
* _Χωρίς σταθερή διεύθυνση_ (1987)
* _The Keewatin Expedition:In Search of the Magnetic North Pole_ (1984)
* _The Stone Diaries:A Novel_ (1995)
* _The Weather Station:A Novel_ (1997)
Μη μυθοπλασία
* _Talking It Over_ (1991)
* _The Deborah Sampson Story:A Female Soldier in the American Revolution_ (1977)
* _The Girl's Body Book_ (1992)
* _The Making of a Fiction Writer_ (1997)
* _One Long Room:Collected Poems_ (1991)
Παιδικά βιβλία
* _The Great Canadian Baking Book_ (1983)
* _I Have Been Here Before:A Novel_ (1999)
* _In This Land:A Novel_ (2008)
* _The Little Mermaid_ (1994)
* _The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood:A Novel_ (1996)
* _The Red Tent_ (1978)
* _The Sleeping Giant_ (1992)
* _The Witch of Willow's Crossing:A Novel_ (2000)