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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Albert Martin Hirschfeld;


- _American Urbanism:A Historical Survey_ (1978)

- _Our Town:Community and Pluralism in Urban America_ (1980)

- _The Urban Economy:Illusion and Reality_ (1981)

- Η φτώχεια, η ανισότητα και η κρίση της κοινωνικής πολιτικής (1983)

- _Το κράτος κοινωνικής πρόνοιας:Αποτυχία ή επιτυχία;_ (1984)

- _The Decline of Industrial America:Causes, Consequences, and Potential Remedies_ (1985)

- _The Global Economy:A Beginner's Guide_ (1987)

- _The End of Welfare:History, Crisis, and Alternatives_ (1988)

- _The Deindustrialization of America:Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry_ (1989)

- _The New World Order:Background and Implications of the Gulf War_ (1991)

- _Social Policy in the United States:A History to the Present_ (1993)

- _Ο κοινός μας πλούτος:Η οικονομική βάση της κοινωνικής προόδου_ (1995)

- _Democracy and Economic Power:The Role of the State in Advanced Capitalism_ (1997)

- _The New American Gilded Age:Gilded Age 1:The Triumph of Plutocracy_ (2011)

- _The New American Gilded Age:Gilded Age 2:The Conquest of the Public Sector_ (2012)

- _The New American Gilded Age:Gilded Age 3:The Privatization of the Public Sector_ (2013)


- "The Crises of the American Economic System:A Critique of Galbraith and Heilbroner" (_Social Policy_, 1973)

- "The American Welfare State:A Crisis in Theory and Practice" (_Social Work_, 1975)

- "Ο μύθος του αμερικανικού πλουραλισμού" (_Σοσιαλιστική Επανάσταση_, 1976)

- "The Political Economy of American Industrial Decline" (_Review of Radical Political Economics_, 1980)

- "The Fiscal Crisis of the American State" (_Socialist Review_, 1981)

- "The Global Economy and the Crisis of American Hegemony" (_Socialist Review_, 1987)

- "Το τέλος της πρόνοιας:Κρίση του καπιταλισμού ή κοινωνικής πολιτικής;" (_Social Policy_, 1989)

- "The New World Order:A Socialist Perspective" (_Socialist Review_, 1991)

- "Social Policy in the United States:A Historical Survey" (_Social Service Review_, 1993)

- "Ο κοινός μας πλούτος:Η οικονομική βάση της κοινωνικής προόδου" (_Social Policy_, 1995)

- «Δημοκρατία και οικονομική δύναμη:Ο ρόλος του κράτους στον προηγμένο καπιταλισμό» (_Capitalism, Nature, Socialism_, 1997)

- "The New American Golded Age:The Triumph of Plutocracy" (_Socialist Review_, 2011)

- "The New American Golded Age:The Conquest of the Public Sector" (_Socialist Review_, 2012)

- "The New American Golded Age:The Privatization of the Public Sector" (_Socialist Review_, 2013)


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