Arts >> Τέχνες Ψυχαγωγία >  >> Βιβλία >> Συγγραφείς

Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Mervyn Harris;


- *Jacob's Ladder* (1949)

- *The Coatrack* (1951)

- *The Sleepers* (1954)

- *Ολοήμερο Σάββατο* (1960)

- *The Tennis Player* (1962)

- *The Island of the Madonna* (1963)

- *The Tents of Wickedness* (1965)

- *The Day of the Parrot* (1967)

- *The Garden of Eden* (1969)

- *The Field of the Stranger* (1971)

- *The Old Trade* (1973)

- *Last Things* (1975)

- *A Kind of Justice* (1978)

- *The Edenic Syndrome* (1979)

- *The Absence of a Hero* (1981)

- *The Inner Room* (1983)

- *The Palace* (1985)

- *The Triumph of the Sacred Heart* (1987)

- *The Temple* (1990)

- *Το Παλάτι της Αιωνιότητας* (1992)

- *The Presence* (1995)

- *The Absence* (1997)

- *The Void* (1999)

- *The Darkness* (2001)

- *The Light* (2003)

- *The Silence* (2005)

- *The Word* (2007)

- *The Voice* (2010)

Μη μυθοπλασία:

- *The Seven Seas:A History in Paintings and Text* (1969)

- *The World of Shakespeare:A History in Paintings and Text* (1970)

- *The World of Michelangelo:A History in Paintings and Text* (1971)

- *The World of Leonardo da Vinci:A History in Paintings and Text* (1972)

- *The World of Rembrandt:A History in Paintings and Text* (1973)

- *The World of Van Gogh:A History in Paintings and Text* (1974)

- *The World of Picasso:A History in Paintings and Text* (1975)

- *The World of Dali:A History in Paintings and Text* (1976)

- *The World of Chagall:A History in Paintings and Text* (1977)

- *The World of Monet:A History in Paintings and Text* (1978)

- *The World of Cézanne:A History in Paintings and Text* (1979)

- *The World of Gauguin:A History in Paintings and Text* (1980)

- *The World of Matisse:A History in Paintings and Text* (1981)

- *The World of Kandinsky:A History in Paintings and Text* (1982)

- *The World of Klee:A History in Paintings and Text* (1983)


- *Μια γιρλάντα για τους ποιητές* (1951)

- *The Burning Veil* (1954)

- *The Song of the Vine* (1960)

- *The Garden of Delight* (1963)

- *The Triumph of the Sun* (1967)

- *The Dance of the Seasons* (1970)

- *The Circle of Life* (1973)

- *The Way of the Stars* (1976)

- *The Tree of Life* (1979)

- *The Flower of Light* (1982)

- *The Song of the Rose* (1985)

- *The Book of Shadows* (1988)

- *The Gates of Paradise* (1991)

- *The Crystal Palace* (1994)

- *The City of the Sun* (1997)

- *The Garden of Eternity* (2000)

- *The Paradise Within* (2003)

- *The Kingdom of Heaven* (2006)

- *The Vision of God* (2008)

- *The Eternal Light* (2011)

Παιδικά βιβλία:

- *The Little Red Hen* (1951)

- *Τα τρία γουρουνάκια* (1952)

- *The Wolf and the Seven Kids* (1953)

- *The Story of Chicken Licken* (1954)

- *The Five Chinese Brothers* (1955)

- *The Elves and the Shoemaker* (1956)

- *The Gingerbread Boy* (1957)

- *The Tale of Peter Rabbit* (1958)

- *Σταχτοπούτα* (1959)

- *Η Χιονάτη και οι επτά νάνοι* (1960)

- *Ωραία Κοιμωμένη* (1961)

- *Κοκκινοσκουφίτσα* (1962)

- *Pinocchio* (1963)

- *Dumbo* (1964)

- *Ferdinand the Bull* (1965)

- *Η χελώνα και ο λαγός* (1966)

- *The Ugly Duckling* (1967)

- *The Bremen Town Musicians* (1968)

- *Puss in Boots* (1969)

- *Jack and the Beanstalk* (1970)

- *Alice's Adventures in Wonderland* (1971)

- *Through the Looking Glass* (1972)

- *Πίτερ Παν* (1973)

- *Treasure Island* (1974)

- *Huckleberry Finn* (1975)

- *Oliver Twist* (1976)

- *A Tale of Two Cities* (1977)

- *Great Expectations* (1978)

- *Ντέιβιντ Κόπερφιλντ* (1979)

- *Jane Eyre* (1980)

- *Wuthering Heights* (1981)

- *Pride and Prejudice* (1982)

- *Jane Austen's Emma* (1983)

- *Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield* (1984)

- *Το Ivanhoe του Sir Walter Scott* (1985)

- *Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol* (1986)

- *Οι περιπέτειες της Αλίκης στη Χώρα των Θαυμάτων του Λιούις Κάρολ* (1987)

- *Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories* (1988)

- *Η.Γ. Wells' The Time Machine* (1989)

- *Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island* (1990)

- *Οι περιπέτειες του Χάκλμπερι Φιν του Μαρκ Τουέιν* (1991)

- *Τα είκοσι χιλιάδες λεύγες κάτω από τη θάλασσα του Ιουλίου Βερν* (1992)

- *Τα ταξίδια του Γκιούλιβερ του Τζόναθαν Σουίφτ* (1993)

- *Ο Ροβινσώνας Κρούσος του Ντάνιελ Ντεφό* (1994)

- *Δον Κιχώτης του Μιγκέλ ντε Θερβάντες* (1995)

- *Mary Shelley's Frankenstein* (1996)

- *Τα Canterbury Tales του Geoffrey Chaucer* (1997)

- *Η Ιλιάδα και η Οδύσσεια του Ομήρου* (1998)

- *Η θεία κωμωδία του Dante Alighieri* (1999)

- *Ολοκληρωμένα Έργα του Γουίλιαμ Σαίξπηρ* (2000)

- *John Milton's Paradise Lost* (2001)

- *Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language* (2002)

- *The Life of Samuel Johnson του James Boswell* (2003)

- *Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France* (2004)

- *Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman* (2005)

- *Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man* (2006)

- *The Declaration of Independence του Thomas Jefferson* (2007)

- *Το Αλμανάκ του Φτωχού Ρίτσαρντ του Μπέντζαμιν Φράνκλιν* (2008)

- *The Federalist Papers του Alexander Hamilton* (2009)

- *Η αποχαιρετιστήρια ομιλία του Τζορτζ Ουάσιγκτον* (2010)

- *Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address* (2011)


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