- *1968:The Year That Rocked the World* (1968)
- *The Passionate Eye:The Life of Georges Braque* (1968)
- *The Liberation of Media* (1971)
- *Artists and Society* (1972)
- *The Public and Private Life of George Gershwin* (1973)
- *The American People* (1974)
- *America:A History of the United States* (1976)
- *Life and Death:A Portrait of Old Age* (1978)
- *The Last River:The Saint Lawrence* (1979)
- *Η Αρχιτεκτονική των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών* (1980)
- *To Live in America* (1981)
- *Images of America:A Celebration of the Country and Its People* (1982)
- *The Challenge of Peace:A Report from the Club of Rome* (1983)
- *Global Change and the Challenge to Society:A Review of the IPES Activities 1982-1992* (1993)
- *The Earth and Its Resources:A Profile* (1994)
- *The People:A Profile of the World's People* (1995)
- *The Challenge of Sustainability* (1996)
- *Earth:A Portrait of a Planet* (1997)
- *The World:A View From Space* (1998)
- *The Human Odyssey:Prehistory to the Present* (1999)
- *The Life and Times of Planet Earth* (2000)
- *The Unending Frontier:An Environmental History of the American West* (2001)
- *A History of the United States* (2002)
- *The American People:A Portrait of the People Who Create the United States* (2003)
- *Earth:Our Home* (2004)
- *The Universe:A View From Earth* (2005)
- *The Great Events of History* (2006)
- *The American Revolution:A History* (2007)
- *The Civil War:A History* (2008)
- *The Second World War:A History* (2009)
- *The Vietnam War:A History* (2010)
- *The Cold War:A History* (2011)
- *The Gulf War:A History* (2012)
- *The War on Terrorism:A History* (2013)
- *The Future of Humanity:A History of the Next Thousand Years* (2014)
2. Άρθρα
- "The Impact of Technology on Society" (1969)
- "The Future of Media" (1970)
- "Ο ρόλος του καλλιτέχνη στην κοινωνία" (1971)
- "Το αμερικανικό όνειρο:Μια πραγματικότητα ή ένας μύθος;" (1972)
- "The Challenge of Aging" (1973)
- "The Future of the United States:A Report from the Club of Rome" (1974)
- "The Environmental Crisis:A Challenge to Humanity" (1975)
- "The Future of Energy:A Report from the Club of Rome" (1976)
- "The North-South Dialogue:A Report from the Club of Rome" (1977)
- "The Future of the World:A Report from the Club of Rome" (1978)
- "The Global 2000 Report to the President:Entering the Twenty-First Century" (1980)
- "The Challenge of the Future:A Report from the Club of Rome" (1981)
- "The Common Future:A Report from the World Commission on Environment and Development" (1987)
- "Our Common Future:A Plan for Action" (1992)
- "The Earth Summit:A Report from Rio de Janeiro" (1992)
- "Agenda 21:A Blueprint for Sustainable Development" (1992)
- «Η Διακήρυξη του Ρίο για το Περιβάλλον και την Ανάπτυξη» (1992)
- «Η Σύμβαση Πλαίσιο των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή» (1992)
- «Το Πρωτόκολλο του Κιότο στη Σύμβαση Πλαίσιο των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή» (1997)
- «Η Συμφωνία του Παρισιού για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή» (2015)